beth89103, you are a dishonest company. You come here and rate yourself as 3 stars in response to a review about your double billing? Shame on you! You said yourself you don't issue credit unless you are told to do so by the credit card company, in order to protect everyone. First of all, no customer needs to be protected from having a credit issued to their card. If anyone wants to issue a credit to my card, I will be happy to receive it. By ""everyone"" you mean only YOU. Don't you keep records of your billing? Can't you simply look up the double billing and issue a credit to card that was double billed? There should be no concern about protecting anyone unless you have sloppy or non existent bookkeeping. Now you are apologizing and offering to fix the problem, against your own policy, only because someone posted an honest review. This was not an error or misunderstanding. All credit card companies require their customers to attempt to get the matter resolved with the merchant first. You simply refused because it is against your policy to do so. I already went to the time and trouble of putting this double billing in dispute with my credit card company so your offer to fix it is worthless. You wanted me to do it your way so I did. Let this be a warning to anyone planning on having photos taken by this company. As you know they can be quite expensive, especially for things such as a wedding. How would you like to charge them to your credit card, only to be charged extra fees and fines by your credit card company for exceeding your credit limit should you be double billed?
Cons: Double Billed Me and Refused to Issue Credit, Rates Themselves Here