Global Intelligence Search Specialists. Service Providers for Tenant Screening, Background Checks, Collections,... Call today 754.222.7772.
Case Breakers Inc., is a full service background investigation company that has been in the public records field for over 12 years. Founded in 1999, Case Breakers, Inc. provides background check solutions from small businesses to global Fortune 500 companies. Our experienced research team ensures the information we provide is the most accurate found anywhere in the world. We help companies protect their most important asset - the employees that make them a success. Let us help you hire the most qualified, competent individuals. We have a network of thousands of court researchers that comb through local court records for information pertaining to your request. No job is too small or too large for us. Some Popular Services are County Criminal Record Search, Social Security Number Verification, and Due Diligence Background Report. Call Case Breakers Inc today at (754) 222-7772.