I bought a car last winter at Carr, a sport little Subaru I was so excited to get, it was only my second car ever and I felt I had done my homework and covered all my bases. I even bought GAP insurance so if something ever happend to my car, it was garunteed that my loan would be fully covered. Well three short weeks later that all wheel drive subaru spun out at 35 mph on a dry road. uuummmm.... needless to say, i think there was something very wrong with that car, though I couldn't get Geico to investigate. I though everything would be ok though since i had my GAP insurance. When I tried to collect on my insurance, I found out it was fraudulant. The only way I ever could have collected on it would be if I defaulted on my loan, raising the balance with interest and late fees. The dealership told me I was covered right away, but any normal person following their loan payment plan could not collect on this unless they has been grossly overcharged for the vehicle (they only pay if you owe more than the value of your car). After three months of calls and visits to Carr with no attempt on their part to resolve it, I filed a complete with the bureau that handles bussiness complaints (citysearch won't allow me to type their name). Smartest thing I ever did! The manager called the next day and cut me a check for my loss. I guess one could argue that this is service, but I feel it's their reputation they cared about.