In 2005 we purchased carpeting for all of our bedrooms in Westlake, CA. After the carpeting installation crew left our home, I could not find my cell phone. I thought I had lost it in all of the moving of furniture.
After looking all weekend, I called Sprint and asked if there had been any activity. To my surprise, within 5 minutes of the crew leaving the house, the activity began and had not stopped. I called the Thousand Oaks Police and a Detective came out. I gave him the records showing the usage immediately after they left. At first I felt sorry for the owner, as we cannot always control the employees that work for us. The crew was not an outside crew but a crew that worked for Carpet-Tyme.
The detective went to speak with the owner but the detective told me that the owner was not helpful, obstructive, and was incredibly rude, even to the detective. It is on file at Thousand Oaks PD.