Welcome to Floormax a Carpet N Things Company
A good place to start is our idea center or gallery of rooms. Get information about style and color or browse through hundreds of room scenes to get an idea of which products you would like to use. Or maybe take a stroll through our showroom and explore our many products and brands. We carry:
* Area Rugs
* Athletic Surfaces
* Carpeting
* Ceramic/Porcelain
* Cleaning/Restoration
* Flooring Accessories
* Installation Materials
* Laminate Floors
* Specialty Floors
* Vinyl/Resilient
* Wood Flooring and More
Listed below are the market segments that we have experience in.
* Builder/Residential
* Educational/School
* Food Sales
* Government/GSA
* Hospitality/Lodging
* Institutional/Public
* Office/Tenant
* Religious Worship
* Restaurants
* Retail/Mercantile
* Service Buildings
* Warehouse/Storage