I used to go to this theater years ago until things started to fall apart. Bad smells, rude staff and dirty houses. When they switched to digital I tried them again. Mostly the same, but the pictures was OOOH! sweet! Can't be beat. 35mm should be REMOVED! :) Plus they also have digital 3d that just can't be compared to the old style. It's amazing how the technology has changed to give such a wicked 3d image. I wouldn't have thought this would happen for years.\r
Anyway, I went to see a movie earlier this year and noticed a new manager. Nice lady. Apparently the old manager was sent to another state (GOOD!), but didn't say much more about it. Since then I've been going about twice a week and not much seemed to change until I noticed there were a lot of new faces that weren't....drumroll..... rude!\r
It didn't dawn on me until I went to see a 3d movie and had a problem with my credit card. The last time this happened last year I was treated almost like a criminal. Even the manager didn't seem to care enough to want to help. When it happened this time they called the manager down and it was the lady again. She even remembered me. She fixed it, greeted me at the door and even talked to me a few minutes without rushing off like I was bothering her day.\r
This is getting too long, but to make it short it's far from perffect,. Still, they have been remodeling alot, cleaning the place up and keeping it clean (at least when I'm there) and basically acting like a business again. It still has the best popcorn in town, too.