In response to the UNTRUSTWORTHY! BEWARE! review below, it is clear that person writing this review has never worked with Caring Nannies before. Caring Nannies does not take any money or percentage of salary from Nanny's pay (never has, never will) as Nannies are paid directly by client. All referral rates are extremenly reasonable one-time rates, no where close to amount claimed by competition, and CNSA allows family to pay placement fee on a monthly basis to insure a quality placement from beginning to end. Additionally, experienced nannies/sitters range in age from mature19 (college) to 60. CNSA also offers a one year quarantee on all long term nanny placements to further insure a successful placement. Our list of references provided to new clients, will give outstanding references on our services. Additionally, free back-up is provided so if, at any time, a nanny is sick, there is no inconvenience to the family. We have a 24 hour hotline. Please call (210) 666-2669 for more info.
Pros: Caring Nannies will make sure your placement is right
Cons: Nannies are very qualified, helpful, positive role models in