Good: This office manager taunted my parents’ caretaker during the course of the conversation by forcing the caretaker to explain a minimum of at least seven times why we needed a second appointment, Ms. “Office Manager” said she still didn’t understand. She then went on to say that “maybe I (office manager) have Alzheimer’s, please explain it one more time.” This disparaging comment was made in an extremely condescending and inhumane manner.. Bad: Since a large part of this company’s business consists of seniors, I personally find this to be not only a rude comment to say to anyone on the telephone, but downright ignorant aside from completely unconscionable. I cannot believe that this how this company allows its employees to treat its customers? My father happens to have Alzheimer’s disease and I not only find it to be an ignorant comment, I am deeply offended and angered by it.. Improvements: Office Manager should attend a sensitivity course and how to be respectful and courteous to customers.. Other: Employees are the public face of a company and they represent what the company deems to be acceptable business practices. It’s just unfortunate to think of how many older people who don’t have children to act as their voices have had to deal with this kind of treatment..