Not happy with my experience. This dealership has a lot of good reviews, and the place is nice and clean. To be fair I may have just gotten a poor salesmen. Alas one bad experience reflects on the entire company. I arranged for financing in advance, sent in everything they requested. Confirmed multiple times that everything was ready. I had the cash down payment in hand. I was very clear I did not have time to waste, so it was to be test drive the car, fill out the paperwork and be done. The salesman wanted yet another copy of my pay stub. I had already sent in electronic copies. Note as I use direct deposit, I do not have a standard paper stub, but a print out from our intranet site. I had also included my W2 from 2018. I was informed by my salesman that my pay stub was not acceptable, it would have to be in the form of a PDF, which is not a directly available option from the intranet site. I could have printed a copy, scanned it and then saved it as such, but that seemed rather pointless. I even told him he could confirm my employment and salary by contacting H.R. but frankly I got the feeling he could care less about making the sale. In the end I just left in disgust. I contacted Carmax Corporate about the incident and the sales persons attitude and they do seem concerned.
As far as doing business with Carmax, on my part, I won't be doing so. At 63 I am too old to accept being disrespected, and my money will spend just as well elsewhere.