Owner/Brewmaster Scott Vaccaro has been filling growlers and handing out samples of his beer since he opened the brewery in January 2006. Open to the public on Fridays from four until seven and Saturdays from twelve until six, visitors can sample the different beers in the tasting room, take a tour of the brewery, and go home with freshly filled, reusable 64 ounce growlers of the freshest beer in the county. This is true, award-winning, gourmet craft beer. Next time you are headed to a dinner party, leave the wine at home instead bring a brewery fresh growler. Not only have you brought a thoughtful conversation starter, you have also done your part to support a local creative artisan.
Pros: Great Vibe, Friendly, knowledgeable help, generous samples
Cons: Only open two days a week, I can no longer drink mass-produced beer