This is really a terrific restaurant. It's Italian, but not Italian like big platters of pasta and meatballs and all the rest of Mama's fine cooking, but Italian like Marcello Mastroianni sitting at an outdoor cafe in Rome with an espresso while vespas zip by.
This is a minimalist place, with almost all tables on the sidewalk. Nothing fancy, just the pleasant outdoors. Capriccios attracts lots of young Italians, too. (And again, I mean Italians, not Italian-Americans.)
Not just coffee and gelato here, though: plenty of delicious grilled sandwiches, salads, pizzas, and bruchettas. Best part: the price! So so so cheap. The pizzas are served authentic thin-crust style, the right size for one hungry person or two snackers. Base price is about $6, with plenty of toppings for $8-9. The sandwiches are cheaper than the pizzas, and the salads about the same price. And it's all delicious.
Non-alcoholic drink selection is sparse, and desserts are somewhat ordinary, with the exception being the fresh calzone with nutella. Mmmm.
One downside: because it is outdoors, they have somehow skirted Stamford's no-smoking rule, so all the smokers flock here. The other day I saw a woman smoking with her friend's infant next to her! Then they laughed as the baby started playing with the pack of cigarettes. Bunch of savages.