Cliff Kornegay received his home inspection training and certification from Kaplan-Inspection Training Associates. He is also certified in historic real estate by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. He also received his energy inspection training and certification from CMC Energy and Kaplan-ITA. He is licensed for home inspection in the State of Maryland and Washington, DC. Cliff has been involved in the construction and home improvement for over 10 years. After high school he enlisted in the US Navy where he was a Fire Controlman, in one of the Navy's advanced electronics/computer fields where he was trained in all aspects of electronics including computer systems, radars, communications systems and weapons fire control systems. He worked for C.C. Dickson, Southern Designs Landscapes, and Brentwood Log Homes while in college. After graduating with honors from the University of Tennessee, he attended graduate school at the University of Texas and Johns Hopkins University.