I got my guard card through this company a few weeks ago, and it to 11 days before they got it to me after it was ready from the DPS, and that was after I called them to find out where it was, I applied for a job the day I took the training, so I went to pick up my license and ask them about my application, the assistant found it and we went into a interview, but I was refused a job because I didn't have a vehicle, I've been unemployed for two years and had to sell my old car, I told her that I couldn't get a vehicle unless I had a job, but in the meantime I could ride the bus or a cab until I got one, but she would not be reasoned with, she simply said it was policy that you had to have a car to be hired, other security companies say the same thing, I would not think it was a problem since being without a car is temporary, and the public bus system is reliable to use for going to and from a site and well as cab service until you can get your own transportation, so now I wasted money getting licensed to work at a job that I've been doing for the last twelve years. they have made it impossible for me to get a job and get on my feet. Has anybody else have hd this problem, or been hired without owning a car?