CDS or Capital Delivery Systems has missed at least 3 deliveries in less then 3 weeks, missed delivered 4, and has been known to show up in beat up old vans with expired plates. Do you think if they this in possible when it has happened to only 2 drop ship locations. This is not counting the endless other shipments lost that we do not know about. Capital Delivery Systems ships for many well known companies such as Quixtar and Avon. Do you really want to order things from companies that use cheap shipping services such as this. If you order from an online company please ask them not to use this service and use a real shipping company. People have seen some on the men dropping shipments off and trust me when I tell you we do not think they are legal workers.
Pros: There are none. CDS hides behind voicemail.
Cons: You or the shipper can not contact if needed.