I'm hispanic and this is what happened to me when I went to CCAP to get some parts for my mustang with my father and cousin. My father went in to ask to see if the car was still available and they told him yes, gave him a map, and told him to go to the top of the hill. We then drove to the top of the hill with the tool box in the back of the truck. I then got off the truck and told my father which parts to get off the truck since I am on crutches. Then this tub of lard showed up in a large Bobcat/Loader yelling you can be here, get off my property with that truck, move now, get off the property now, move, move now. I looked at my father and said did they tell you we can 't drive up here. He said no and we kept walking. The tub of lard moves about a half car length up and he starts yelling everything again. I, stop, told him do you see me moving, you see I'm on crutches, do you see me moving, do you seem me walking, and my father tells him you don't talk to me like that, you better learn to talk to people and we start getting pretty upset when the tub of lard starts saying. I'm sorry can you please leave, you can't be up here, and you can't be here. My father told him that's better, that's how you talk to people. We then drive off to the parking lot. Then my father and my cousin take tools into a back pack and go back tot he top of the hill and start removing some bolts when the same tub of lard comes back up the hill in his Bobcat/Loader and the only thing he has to say is ""I ain't scared of ya'll"". It wasn't to apologize, say can I help you, or even is there anything your since your here to do business. No, he wanted a fight. My cousin told him then get off your Bobcat. Come on down. The tub of lard does what he does best and sits his big ass on the Bobcat and moves on. My cousin and father pack up and begin to leave, even knowing I needed a whole exhaust, because they didn't know what he was going to do next. I am so glad I am on crutches cause I know what I would have done when that tub of lard came back the second time. You get one star since I have to put something. Otherwise you would have gotten nothing, not worth the dirt on my shoe you fat piece of lard.