Have your bills piled up without warning? Has a sudden mishap left you strapped for cash this month? Get cash fast at Capitol Cash Exchange in Muhlenberg Township, PA where we buy, sell, and trade precious metals, gems, and other valuables.. You can turn your gold,silver,platinum,diamonds,gold or silver US coins,or old paper currency into cold,hard modern cash. We also purchase all types of electronics,including flat screen TVs,desktop or laptop computers,and home and car audio systems as well as smart phones,MP3 players,and digital cameras. We also purchase large ticket items such as cars,boats,motorcycles,ATVs,and snowmobiles. We pay you the highest dollar amount for your valuables. If you prefer to buy,we sell at the lowest dollar amount and most items come with a warranty. Come to us today to turn your valuables in cash! We Buy,Sell,and Trade Your: * Appliances * Blu-Rays * CB Radios * Computer Equipment * Desktop Computers * Computer Printers * Diamonds * Digital Cameras * DVD Players * Electronics * Flat Screen TV s * Freezers * Gold * Gold or Silver US Coins * GPS Units * Home and Car Audio Systems * Jewelry * Kindles,Other E-Readers * Laptops * LCD / Plasma TVs * Microwaves * MP3 and MP4 Players * Musical Instruments * Old Paper Currency * Platinum * Precious Metals or Gems * Projectors * Refrigerators * Silver * Smart Phones * Stoves * Surround Sound Systems * Video Cameras * Video Game Systems * Video Games