The City of Cape Girardeau lacks appropriate laws for cats. Dog owners get harassed all the time yet the cats can run rampant all over town. We have a Cat Man that lives down the street. He has been cited beofre for trash and had to clean up, yet nothing was done about the abyndance of CATS he hoards in his house and down the street behind an abandoned house. HE keeps the CATS all over the neighborhood fed twice a day. It is like c=something out of a horror movie when the cats walk single file down the street whenever they hear HIS truck coming. Problem is the CATS do NOT stay in HIS yard or the yard of the abandoned home where HE feeds them...they are starting to hang out in everyone eles's yards and causing havoc with the dog owners. Our dogs leave OUR yard where they should NOT have to be on a leash to run after the cats. Our dogs have almost broken the glass in our front door and most of the time now WE have to be inside our home with the door closed so the dogs don't go bullistic when the cats come right up to OUR door. We find them IN our vehicles if we leave the windows down, the track up our freshly washed vehicles, they defecate in OUR yard...OUR dogs and the bneighbors dogs could NOT go to HIS house and harass his cats with repercussions...We have called the animal control and NOTHING was done. We are going to get traps from the animal control AND wherever else we can and start catching them and getting them OUT of the neighborhood!!!! Let the neighborhood go back to the DOGS!!!!