As I know Jim McLain personally, I can honestly tell you that you would be crazy to trust another roofer or roofing company in the valley. Applebee Roofing is one of the fairest, most honest, dedicated to quality roofing companies I have ever had the pleasure of doing business with. I know Jim will go above and beyond to make sure you get a fair shake during a shaky time. From quotes to repairs to full roofs of all types, this is the company I will always put my money with. Integrity, honesty and moral turpitude are difficult to come by these days but in the land of roofing, Applebee Roofing lives these components on a daily basis. Especially if you have had a rough go around with another roofing company and are feeling a bit ""gun shy"", don't hesitate to contact Jim McLain with Applebee Roofing. He will put your faith back into good down home business practices. Now go get that roof done!
Pros: Integrity, Moral Turpitude, Honest