Don't move in to Canterbury East in Mt. Pleasant.
Where to begin? First, they lost their copy of my lease. Then, they never heard of my 45-day written notification of severance. Mind you, after they lost my lease, I was sure to give them extra time, even though the lease stipulates notice must be received 30 days prior. You can be sure I stopped in again on day 30, inquired to make sure everything was in order, and was met with blank faces all around asking, ""I didn't see it. Did you see it?"" Signed a second copy and got on with my life, anxious to escape this nightmare of ineptitude.
So I moved out in August, and still I'm getting calls from these people, first asking if I planned to move out (""Yes, I moved out a month ago"" - ""Oh, are you going to bring in the keys?"" - ""No, I handed them to you a month ago"" - ""Oh, okay, I'll go check the back room then""). Then they deigned to call a second time asking for October's rent!
Now, to top it all off, it's been well over 30 days since I turned in my keys, there is no sign of my security deposit, and someone just yelled in my ear before hanging up on me on the management line when asking to speak to someone about it. You can be more than 100% sure I will NEVER work with these people again. If you value your time, legal security, or most of all your money, STEER CLEAR.