In recent years, the policies have changed at this kennel. For example, you're charged an extra day if you pick up your animal(s) after noon. Also, I think they're closed on Sundays and Wednesdays, so it's a little more difficult to arrange for pick-up. Those are the only negatives, though. This kennel is great. We have put our cats there for many years. The staff is friendly and caring. They truly care about our cats and know them by name when I call to make reservations. Our large "fat cat" always comes home groomed, even though we didn't ask for it. The staff pets the cats and plays with them while they're at the kennel. They are not overly fearful (for cats) when we take them there. They come home healthy (except maybe a little bit of sneezing) and calm. I admire the staff and believe that they are committed to the health and welfare of the animals. I never worry when I leave my animals at this kennel. I call every day to check on them, and the staff is always friendly and accommodating. I highly recommend the Canine Holiday Inne for cats.
Pros: null
Cons: null