want a real story? I just left the place, and it is horrible beyond imagine. if you want to dance, do not go there. so may security to the point where they were throwing their own light show with their mag lights. the music was horrible, the service was horrible, the drinks were under poured.
some more things from entry to ending:
1. they say you have to wear a collar shirt. trying to be a reputable club i guess. but they do not even let some of the people in because they wear t shirts, but towards the middle of the night everyone is wearing t shirts.
2. the bartenders talked backed to us. yes, i know, customer service is dead and gone. not only did the bartender give us lip at the outside bar, but the inside as well.
3. security is horrible, they were letting everyone that were their friends in, but charging everyone else to get in. beyond that, they were letting their drunk friends stay that were causing fights but kicking the people out that they do not know.
4. racist. yup. racist. the people that had bottle service to the right of us were caucasian, and to the left was asian. the security was talking alot of crap on how mayweather and marquez was going to beat up pacquiao. the crowd on the right was saying mayweather was going to win but the secruity called his friends on the walkie talkie and started to say marquez was going to win, mexicans boxers are better than others, etc. then the asians to my left were then talking about pacquiao and saying he is the greatest boxer ever, but the security kicked them out while they were not even doing anything aggresive just talking about boxing while security brought it up. (i have video proof). then some of the security followed those people out cursing and saying word for word: ""i am going to f*** that guy up."" SECURITY said that to the guests, that paid, that are customers dancing and having fun enjoying the club, lounge or whatever ( they do not have a identity) . now, pay attention to this. they then flagged the cops to follow them and pull them over when they had left. yup. that is right.
at the end of the day, the place is garbage. i am a renown music producer that has seen unprofessional, unacceptable service standards beyond the norm.