Although they are almost next door to the big chain copy-center (ahem, Kinko), this local copy center is a great place to go for people who are knowledgeable and personable. The guys here really know what they are doing and they'll help you in any way possible (without charging you for their knowledge by the second). They specially in printing, design, creation, shipping and office supplies.
Their prices are less expensive than the local Kinko though their hours are not as flexible as that of Kinko's. Most Penn professors have their bulkpacks created and ready for pickup at this location; be forewarned that these bulkpacks can be picked up for a less expensive price at the Engineering copy center within Penn though.
Still, if you are looking for a place to pick up moving boxes, make your photocopies, create a presentation, use a computer or just ship some carepackages home, Campus Copy Center will have the right staff to point you in the right direction.