My name is Gene (Herman) \r
My wife (Connie Herman) attended Camp Creek Baptist Church in 1987-\r
she was struck by a car in a accident on Camp Creek Rd/LAncaster SC in September 1987 about 2 blocks from the\r
CampCreek Babptist Church. The driver who struck her took off from the scene and left her in a ditch to die.No one has no answers to what happened- We are looking for a lady who took care of my children while my wife was in the hospital, her name was Carolyn_Roach. She was a member of Camp Creek Baptist Church. If you know how to get hold of this lady (Carolyn_Roach ) or you have any inofrmation on who struck Connie Herman by car back in Sept 1987 please email me with any information you may know, our family needs answers. Brandi @ wagnerfx com\r
any info will be confidential, we are just trying to piece together what happened that aweful night