My mother in law called Camp Canine to see if they could watch my male Cane Corso. She was told that Cane Corsos are a vicious breed. My mother in law explained to the lady that my dog was a sweetheart. The response to her was that he would eventually become vicious. I would not have been upset if they would have simply stated that they do not except Cane Corso. What I have a problem with was their expression of false information and ignorance. I take my dog hiking all the time where he encounters many humans and dogs. He has never shown an ounce of aggression. He has been to many play grounds where children come up and pet him. Some parents are apprehensive at first but when they see how kind he is they quickly learn that their bias and pre-judgements are wrong. He has been to a dog park where he did great with all the other dogs. Someone brought their little male Spitz who proceeded to get aggressive with all the other dogs including my 120 pound Cane Corso. The other dogs who were predominantly Golden Retrievers sniped and barked at the Spitz, where as my dog did nothing but look at me for help. The Spitz noticed that of course and kept antagonizing my dog until the owner finally took him out of the park. My dog never even growled. I did the research on dog attacks before I got my dog and found that there had only been 6 Cane Corso attacks in North America in thirty years in that same period of time there had been over 400 labrador attacks. If you read the AKC description of Cane Corsos you will find like I did that Cane Corsos as a breed are intelligent, easy to train, loyal to their owners and good with kids. Not to mention noble and majestic. Show less
Pros: null
Cons: null