All reviews seem negative
This is a business that is out to rip off the community. I believe that they have some type of cash under the table deal with the local law enforcement parking dept.
Established in 1985 after ten years of working in the business for others, Les H is a well-established Camarillo city businessman, who devotes hours of free use of his trucks for area non-profits such as the Camarillo Boys and Girls Club and YMCA.Camarillo Towing is an official Camarillo area law enforcement rotation tower, and CTTA member for years.24 hour vehicle towing and emergency roadside service, including tire change, unlock doors, jumpstart batteries, etc.We can also recover and store your vehicle after an accident, all billing handled by insurance so no out-of-pocket to you in most instances.Office hours Mon-Fri, 8AM to 5PM for removal of your personal property