So i have been hearing about Camano Island Coffee roasters for a while now. I love coffee, but really am not a true aficionado. I'll drink 3 day old refrigerated ranch coffee reheated on the stove. It's just how i was raised.
Well for a while i have been buying whole beans and grinding them myself to put in my french press coffee maker. Having tried the various flavors, roasts of store bought beans i simply became bored with trying to smell a dozen mix matched flavors when i go to the store.
So I tried Camano Island Coffee roaster.
True to their word my order was roasted, sent, with in 24 hours. The coffee arrived yesterday. So far i have tried their 1/2lb September blend. I have to say, it is smooth. I am really happy. I chose the thermos for my free gift, and so far it is performing admirably.