This so called school is the worst mistake that my parents have made involving my life ever. I have to been to schools where 1 out of 10 people were drug-dealers and that beat CCA by a mile. I've been to a school where the pushed their extreme conservative agenda down our throats, so much that I actually liked George W. B., but even though they did, it still beat CCA by a mile. If your a parent out there reading this, please do NOT send your kid to this school. You may say, ""But, I want my kid to have a good Christian education."" There are many other Christian schools out there. And besides, this school doesn't build you up in Christ, because of the teacher's carnalness and jugmentalness, I found it real hard to be a Christian for the longest time. Not only that, it is not a good education. Before going to this school, i had a 3.9 GPA. Now after attending, I'm lucky if I get a 3.2. It's not because it's harder, it's just that most teacher could care less what you got. And the rules there! Immediate Dentions are: chewing gum, wearing a coat in class(even if it's extremely cold), having a cell phone out(even if it's to look at the time), 1 second late for class(even if you were frantically looking for last night's homework), having food in class, and my favourite, throwing something to someone(letting my friend borrow a pen). And the uniforms they make you wear are so degrading and uncomforable. And these are just the reasons that it's bad for your kid. It's bad for you because tution is just horrible! 400 a month! Thats 3, 600 a year! And not to mention the uniforms are really expensive. And the school is so cheap that they barely give any money to the sports programs. It makes me sad because there is so much talent, but because they are money-hungry, they can't buy good equipment. In conclusion, this school makes kids lives miserable, I know first hand. I'm begging you, never send your kids to this school.