I love this church. The teaching is magnificant.My dad in fact was around during the hippi days.It really helped him.However ; As compared to what is taught in books or over the radio,it appears some of the security have:( Be haved very in appropriately . The elder male white adult with the white truck.He bumped into a friend with out saying excuse me.Then stood in his face,in a chalenging a dueling manner. The male black adult .That go's by Darrell.According to some.His nephew indicated was a cop.Attempted to kick my friend in the head at a event. While my friend sat on the cement.This is the African American adult that stays in the back ;He enjoys hugging all these women ,holding their hands a very long time.He also likes giving them a mesage on the right shoulder. His very perfect prefered location is by the female bathroom.He also punched my friend on the back laughed ,this occured ,according to a Thanks Giving homeless to the needy event.Perhaps he wanted a reaction .Perhaps like cops do on the street.When they want to accuse some one of resisting arrest. To falsly accuse them.They even lie to the judge .Then they perhaps have golf and dinner together.This occured on a feed for the homeless event.This is ok with Chuck and Brian.Mike is the male white adult.He could be ; Lesly's personal body guard.My friend is a male Hispanic adult. My friend said,"" God bless to Lesly,"" Mike was standing in the shadows responded,"" You're comming on too strong."" She was'nt wearing a sign ,that read don't talk to me.Now Kieth: He likes loitering with permission at: The doughnut area,which could be a very good view of legs for the possible pervert that likes to come to a church building for vary different reasons.His other locations he is allowed to loiteter with permission is: The man made water fall ,and the gym table facing the sanctuary.He attempted to force my friend to hear about his Muslim past.Where he was instructed over and over about all this hatred. Also forced Kung Fu lessons.When my friend did not want to hear about his past he walked away. Then Kieth aggressively walked after my friend and grabed his shirt three times.His actions were condoned of. He just could have recruited a new deciple.This male Hispanic adult.That enjoys wearing black short sleeve shirts.Also levis. They sit and talk about past events possibly. Now ; Hugh ,its not known what his real name is.He likes keeping his shoulders tucked in ,as though he is carrying a gun.Could be a cop.The kind that perhaps likes planting something to get an arrest,its very possible ?Well my friend has indicated;This guy was like a germ .In other other words if no one was looking he would love to investigate whats going on under the bottom side of a human.Then check back in with Brian or Chuck,possibly ?By radio. He followed my friend to evey group and this included the bathroom. Perhaps to eveluate the frequency and duration of select sound effects ,of those visitors with extensive breaking wind techniques. His nose did some how appeared to be,extensively brownish. With ,vip status. Then we have ; Mike again, is he the personal body guard of; ( Lesly).She is elder looking, blond. She appears to have a wig and too much make up.This is according to my friend. She and Mike appear to make a great couple.They perhaps can go home and both salute a picture of ; Hitler. Mike pointed his index finger as though it was a gun. Jesus said,"" Don't love in word,but in deed and truth."" I love the teaching on the radio. But action speaks ( LOUDER THAN WORDS ). Jesus said,""Don't be a hearer of the word ,but a doer.""\r
I love hearing the teaching on the radio. FM .107.9. Yet would I invite my friends no!Don't want ,Darell the African American adult touching my daughters ,by the female bathroom.Maybe ; Chuck and Brian can have him direct trafffic .Or stand in a suite waving ,as people drive in. In stead of posted by the female bathroom.