YOUTH / AGES 4 – 12 This series begins with a class for children who have no experience and ends with one that focuses on the basics of proper form and technique while having fun. YOUNG ADULT / AGES 13 – 18 This grouping has several levels ~ from true beginner to Elite and Junior Olympic category athletes. HIGH SCHOOL Includes those new to diving (JV team), those in school that just decided to try diving for the first time, to experienced divers wanting to compete for their school but desire more practice time and facilities than a high school can offer. ADULT & MASTER / AGES 19+ From beginners to experienced divers continuing in or returning to our sport, to college divers on break or visiting ~ the California Diving Academy has a customizable program and sessions for you. LOCAL and TRAVELLING COMPETITIVE TEAMS From local friendly meets to National and International Junior Olympic, Senior, and Masters competitions ~ the California Diving Academy coaching staff have the skills, experience, and desire to support you at any level of competition.