I have a new Acura TL which up until now I have washed myself at home.\r
I decided it would be smart to have a Waxing, so I brought my car in for the $29 Wax job today and I am VERY unhappy with the results. When the girl who waxed my car called me over, I instantly noticed she had done a POOR job. There were at least a dozen if not 20 spots on the car ranging for small tree sap marks to 12"" sections of unremoved wax. I walked around the car and pointed them out and then I discovered a nick in the paint. I was furious as this is a 2 month old car. I have washed it about 6 times since buying the car and I would have noticed this scratch before. When I looked at the girl who was scrambling to clean all the spots I had just pointed out, I noticed she had 2 large rings on as well as a Metal watch on!!! I instantly told her to stop what she was doing and I called the manager over. He had another guy jump in and clean all the spots I was pointing out, but would not accepts fault for the scratch.\r
First of all, no one at a Hand Car wash should have any type of Metal ring or watch on.\r
Second of all she did a Horrible job waxing my car.\r
I Can not recommend taking a car to this car wash.
Pros: Location
Cons: Horrible job Waxing my car, Person who washed my car had a Watch and 2 rings on.