JOHN DIMOWO, M.D. - AMERICAN BOARD OF PAIN MEDICINE MEMBER - Motor Vehicle Accidents - Work Injuries - Sports Injuries - Chronic, Acute & Cancer Pain - Depending on the level of pain and structural damage, our goal is to bring each patient to a new level of pain relief, regardless of what they suffer from Most Insurance Accepted - Workers Compensation - Attorney Liens. Pelvic Pain - Back & Neck Pain - Hand & Leg Pain - Arthritic Pain - Joint Pain Shingles - Spinal Pain - Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy - Spinal Stenosis - Cancer & Stroke Pain - Abdominal Pain - Personal Injuries - Fibromyalgia Pain - Treatments Include: Injection Therapy - Physical Therapy Chiropractic Medications - Stimulator & Pain Pump Trials - Trials and Implants