Women that work there except for 1 medical assistant are very unprofessional. They watch tv all the time,constantly side tracked, they are always in a rush to get home early. Honestly, they get the work done but it's not worth it. Im always in pain there, not enough numbing medicine, one of the medical assistant always messes up what she's doing! Im tired of going back to get my temp- crowns replaced. Something is ALWAYS WRONG...""oops im sorry"" ""im gonna do this fast, that way you can go home early""(when in reality they are dying to go home early) ... One of the ladies doesnt know how to keep her distance (she places her breasts on you! ;not the best for a child !) & she throws tools on you.. I definitely wouldnt recommend this place.
Pros: none!
Cons: unproffesional, lazy, lack of care, unorganized.