Dr. Calandro is one of the most uncaring, unprofessional, conceited, abrasive, arrogant, and dishonest cardiologists I have met and been treated. He did not treat me with respect, courtesy and showed total lack of sensivities to both my medical and financial needs. He never called me once to explain why he was doing any specific medical procedure or process; although I called his office, Colorado Heart Clinic, many times. His pat reply through staff to my questions was standard of care without explaining what was that specific standard of care and how it applied to the queried procedure or process. I visited his office several times and he saw me on three occassion s in his office but never once did he greet me like a human being or even say ""hello"" are you being helped. His business and billing practices are deceptive and downright dishonest. He charges for time and work done by his subordinates as if he rendered the service. He charges for services that was rendered by the hospital and bills it as if he rendered the services.At the first appointment which was made by is office about a month after my heart procedures at the hospital when his notes say to see him within 2 weeks. His office made the appointment and they refused to see me unless I paid them over $2,700 immediately or pay them $3,150 in three installments even when I disputed their over inflated bill which they gave me the afternoon before my appointment.I had to wait over 1 hour to try to resolve any issues but Calandro is inhumane, very unreasonable, unsympathetic and uncaring. All Dr. Calndro and the folks at Colorado Heart Clinic really care about is bullying and frightening patients to pay up exhorbitant fees and to pay over inflated bills. They are dishonest and unprofessional. They bring disrepute to the Medical Profession.