CAL-VALLEY EQUIPMENT HAS BEEN SERVING KERN COUNTY FOR OVER 56 YEARS WITH QUALITY PRODUCTS AND SERVICE. Established in 1956 strictly for the sale of service station equipment, Cal-Valley has grown over the years and emerged as a full service, sales and repair company offering 24 hour service. Products offered today include everything from air compressors to vehicle lifts. Plus, our current staff of technicians are all factory certified specializing in repairs and sales of fueling equipment. But the area that makes Cal-Valley equipment stand out from our competitors is our commitment to service. At Cal-Valley Equipment we recognize that the key to guaranteed success is our ability to meet the unique needs of your business while offering unprecedented service .. The Cal-Valley Equipment Fueling Services: Provides 24/7 response for your fueling needs. CVE provides factory trained technicians to support you and your operations. Cal-Valley Equipment Compliance Department: The Cal-Valley Equipment Compliance Services Department performs testing and inspections on fueling systems to meet local,state,and federal regulatory requirements. Cal-Valley Equipment develops customized and cost-effective solutions to meet the unique needs of your business. Our highly trained technicians build on years of experience to provide our clients with the most current and proven methods available.