Went to an interview for a site called PHI i tought this interview went fairly well. A couple of days pass and hold and be hold i have a job after a year. I go to work on my first day along with another 8 people everything I thought went well. I leave and come back the next day ready for work and about 40 minutes,to almost and hour pass, when I was fired by one of the site managers, because she said that she had supposedly been told by 3 employees that the day before ( mind you, on my first day ), I had given people attitude. My problem lies in the fact that my employer, in this case the"" temp agency"" did not take the time to really find out what was going on. I was told by one of the supervisors, that they really ""did not care"" about what I had to say. In my defense, I do not pride my self in being rude, or obnoxious to peopl.. I DONT KNOW !Especially in a new job. I'M not perfect.. but I guess no one is, but... to be accused of something that you DID NOT DO!... and then have the people, that are supposed to work for you in your defense,or at least find out what really happend, not do their job and just sit back and accuse you of something that you did not do.... is a SAD, SAD, BUISSNESS!!!! MY RATING IS A 0 JUST IN CASE THE STAR DOES NOT REFLECT THAT. 000000000000
Pros: No pros i was not giving a chance!!
Cons: Just dont know how to treat employees.!!