I have been unfortunate enough to be involved with these scum bags for several years now. Cable TV of East Alabama are crooks and con artists. They run a monopoly in a rapidly growing area and utilize unfair if not illegal practice that include but are not limited to: raising rate without improving service or adding channels, forcing customers to take unwanted services (bundling) to get a wanted product, forcing customers to rent old out dated equipment and then over charging them if the equipment gets damaged ($300 for a cable modem, really?), forcing internet subscribers to purchase additional "blocks" of bandwidth and imposing download limits to increase their revenue without providing proof that lines are over strained or other subscribers in the area are negatively impacted. In fact in a 50 home subdivision, all but 5 homes have AT&T which is why I am forced to take these criminals. My advice to you is avoid this company like the plague!! If you must have cable or internet, get a dish and call a cell phone company or wait for AT&T to open up more lines. There are ZERO redeeming qualities in this company. All their employees are incompetent, service is no where near adequate (I still have a fuzzy picture with HD, How does that happen?), and the everything is vastly overpriced. I had over 400 channels and 15Meg internet with AT&T in Birmingham for LESS what I am paying for 70 channels and 6MEG (at 3:00 AM) internet. If you are forced to move to this area, live in Columbus, GA where you will have a choice!! Until Phenix City allows other companies in, you need to stay out!!!!