I Have been trying to get my ac fixed for a year with CR's. I was patient and did what most people do and save up the money after I received what I thought was a complete estimate from their technicians. Turns out there was a complete breakdown in communication and the technician that called told me that it was going to be a minimum of over $100 of the WRITTEN estimate that was given to me before. He was not told there was an estimate by the uncaring front end staff that made a photo copy of the estimate. So when he told me the price and that it was more likely to be $1,000 to $1,200, you can imagine how upset I was and I had to end the call. My fiance, the reviewer above, went up to speak with them and try to get the breakdown in communication smoothed over. The agreement was anything over $600 (still $50 over the original WRITTEN estimate) needed to be authorized by us first. I received my call to pick up my repaired car and was elated UNTIL I got to the front end staff. I gave them my name and a youngish woman gave the youngish Charles Manson looking guy next to her a strange look. He sneered at her and shook his head gently and he handed her the paperwork for my car. I paid, the older woman said, ""thank you,"" but I left in brewing silence. It's true that they do good work at reasonable rates, but because of their very rude, judgmental and unprofessional front end staff, CR's has lost a client for life.