McKee Funeral Home had always served my family since 1954. We recently experienced a death in our family and as we have in the passed called upon McKee Funeral Home. Now the funeral home is named Collins, McKee and Stone Funeral Home. My sister and I, met with a Rose Howell who at the time was the manager. \r
I had never felt more taken advantage of as I felt dealing with the Howell lady and her staff. McKee Funeral Home will never be the same. The Howell lady had no idea what was going on and confused my sister and me on several items we requested and tried to convince us that we were the ones that did not request or shared the information with her. \r
I did notice Mrs. Ruth Rothrock while we were there, but it seamed she had limited freedom with the Howell lady. We have decided never to use this facility again as long as it is managed by the previous management. These comments are totaling opinionated, but I hope will influence others to request another