This past thursday i recieved a call from this office, they stated that "They envelope containing the credit/debit cards had been stolen" and that I may want to cancel my card. I asked how this happen and they stated a patient reached through the window and took the envelope. I then asked why this confidential information was left in arm reach distance where some one could reach it, and they replied "It was tucked away" It obviously was not "Tucked away" good enough. I how ever am not only unhappy with this HIPPA breach and the inconvience it causes me to have to cancel my debit card, they are also billing my insurance under multiple doctors through out the practice. I have only seen one doctor a CBHA. In addition to this I am called 4 to 5 times a week concerning a balance i have obtained do to thier neglect to file the proper insurance claims. The service i recieve from the doctor is great and professional, but as far as the office staff they have exhibited nothing but imcompetance.