**C.A.R.S.** which is the acronym for **Clintonville Auto Repair Service**, is a 3rd generation family owned and operated independent repair facility, established in 1962 by Walt Stein. With 14 service bays and 12 ASE certified technicians, we have put hundreds of thousands of cars, trucks, vans & SUV's back on Columbus roads quickly and safely. We pride ourselves in providing excellent customer service, follow-ups, and unconditional guarantees. We want every job to be done right. While we are not the cheapest repair facility, we are confident that you will be treated honest and fair, without being sold repairs that are not necessary. We will answer your questions and explain your automotive needs, in a manner that you can understand, so you can make an informed decision. In July of 2005 we added and second location in the Polaris area, which you can find listed under C.A.R.S. @ Polaris.
* NAPA Auto Care
* Automotive Service Association
* Automotive Service Excelle nce
* Orange Township Business Association