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* Slow performance? * Internet Explorer errors or lockups? * pop-up advertisements? * Home page has changed? * Email or Internet access a lot slower? * System lockups?Your computer mostly likely is infected with Viruses and Spyware. This is the main reason for slow computers and pop-ups advertisements.Call us and one of our skilled technicians will come to you and fix issue for a Flat Rate!C.James Computer Services is different, because we already have intimate knowledge of the components and your operating environment. We begin each service call at your location, to determine if the cause is site related or is isolated to that particular system. You are then given the exact cost of the repair. An attempt will then be made to repair and test the system on-site, minimizing your downtime. In some cases, an upgrade rather than a repair is indicated where the overall cost effectiveness would warrant it. Our experts keep current with the latest technologies to perform upgrades that extend the life of your investment whenever feasible.