Quality Home Care The Way It Was Meant To Be
1.The team approach allows for the best solutions to promote independence and the quality of life, and allows nurses the autonomy to practice to their highest level of training. 2.All Buurtzorg nurses are responsible for promoting and providing outstanding care. They focus not only on current needs, but also on preventing future problems. 3.The Buurtzorg nurse acts as "a navigator" for the patient and family, helping them find the most relevant and innovative solutions to receiving the care they need at home. 4.Nurses are supported by a simple and streamlined organization with modern IT technology to facilitate "real time" information that is directly connected to the care process and reduces administrative overhead. 5.Buurtzorg nurses provide licensed, professional care in accordance with the highest national and international professional standards, which are evidence-based and closely monitored.. Home Health Services* In-Home Care*