Good: The activities and the vendors. They usually are the same and we enjoy going to see them. The fresh ground corn-meal made by the steam engines are one of our favorites. Plus we enjoy the interaction with the folks who make that all happen.. Bad: While pricing sure has gone up and we understand the need to cut back, we sure do miss the fresh roasted peanuts. Sure the stand is there and all but they don't roast as many batches as they used to. We miss this. Not too much we don't like. It's the same as usual and we like it that way. Again, with the hard economic times everyone has to pay more and so do the vendors.. Improvements: Maybe more interaction with the evening and weekend visitors. Most of the judging has already been done during the week, and we understand the schedules of the farmers. One live stock competition perhaps on the last saturday? Not sure, just throwing that out there as a possibility.. Other: We are just grateful that the Butler Farm Show is still going after all these years. With the way things are shutting down and closing up, we certianly will enjoy coming again this year to the Farm Show..