I'm sure everyone will admit that Busch Gardens is more for older kids than Disney, but did you know it's for real old kids (aka adults) too?
The last time we went to Busch Gardens my fiance and I graduated the Budweiser Beer School -- we're "Master Brewers." It's official. I have a certificate. LOL
Seriously though, it's a cool program. You learn about what goes into the beer, what gives it its aroma, colour, etc. and even have some tastes along the way so you can taste the difference the guide is describing.
Obviously you have to be at least 21 and they limit the class size, so make reservations. If you really like beer, you can sample some beers on tap -- I don't know what the limit is on how many sample you can get, but they're decent sized samples.
Outside the classroom and sampling building you can see a couple of the Bud horses (I know they're not called horses, but it's late and I can't think of the right word) -- it's not a petting zoo; you're not supposed to pet them, but they're nice to look at.