I believe that all children deserve love, attention, and nurturing. I believe that a safe environment allows children to explore and grow. At Bumble Bee Day Care, we allow children to have hands-on learning experiences. This fosters age appropriate development. We read to the children everyday. We believe that positive reinforcement is important for children to develop self-esteem. Children need an environment that supports free expression and stimulates learning. Most importantly, however, I believe that children need to have fun! At Bumble Bee Day Care, we often have Disco Dancing parties, Fun Art Projects, Computer Use, Cooking, Science Projects, and we play lots of exciting games. Children learn best from experiencing the world around them.. Our activities include:
* Character Building Activities
* Circle Time
* Computers
* Cooking
* Counting
* Dance
* Games
* Large and Fine Motor Skill Development
* Letter Recognition Files
* Music
* Outdoor Play
* Phonic and Phonemic Awareness
* Reading
* Singing
* Social Development
* Story Time