According to their on-call service person, Buffalo Wheelchair does not do emergency calls on their wheelchairs. We spent over 2 hrs stuck out front on the lawn because his chair wouldn't start. Happy Fourth of July ... we missed the BBQ held out back because we were stuck out front.
It's been pissing us off that we've been waiting so long for this part. I bet they could have driven to get the part and got back here to install it in just day or two.
Buffalo Wheelchair was here in mid-May 2011 to replace the batteries in the wheelchair as an annual upkeep and to take care of the problem where the chair will not stay on and does not always turn on. They were also supposed to fix loose screws and the ungodly screeching noise the chair makes. When it is moving it can be heard at least 750-1000 feet away easily. Problem: The service person does not carry the lube needed nor the required allen keys to deal with the loose screws and screeching. The allen keys are not the kind you get when you buy a set. We were also told that the chair required a new controller and he would have that ordered when he got back to the office. That was in mid-May and it is now almost mid-July 2011.
And here we are on July 10, 2011 ... still with no satisfaction from Buffalo Wheelchair ... they still have not delivered and installed the new controller for the wheelchair. Nor have they come to fix the loose screws or loud screeching. As a matter of fact, they do not return phone calls. Nor have they called back after they promise to call to tell us the status of the service needed.