Never, ever rent from Buckeye Real Estate. I was with them for 6 years- was reliable, never missed rent, never had a complaint against me and minimally utilized maintenance (sorry you provided me with no heat- two times, and then no a.c.)- and with no notice or showings of my townhouse they rented it to someone else. They also have yet to notify me, I found out by accident.
In the 6 years I've lived with them they have tried to charge me rent for a place I no longer lived in, ignored complaints about a howling dog (8 days of nonstop barking- 20 out of 24 hours this dog barked) in a building that DOESN'T ALLOW DOGS, took almost a month to deal with a SQUIRREL living in my wall and tried to force me to miss my friends wedding that I WAS IN because they chose the day of the wedding to give me 24 hours notice that I was to move- by the way they had advance notice that I would be unable to move this day.
Never, EVER rent with Buckeye Real Estate- absolutely no customer service or accommodations.
I'd like to thank the maintenance department however- they were always quick, reliable and courteous. Only valid part of this entire company.