I'm not the type of person to spend my free time expressing my disappointment online, so please note that I wouldn't be writing this review if Bubbles Pet Spa didn't blow me off in response to my understandable frustration from last week's appointment. Management has shown no interest in remedying the situation which has ultimately led me to leave a review on Yelp.
I spend a lot of time and money taking my Bichon Frise to Bubbles on a monthly basis in order to maintain his beautiful coat. Anyone who is familiar with a Bichon's coat should understand how difficult it is to maintain a spectacular white, tangle-free coat.
My dog went from over 2 inches long to 1/4 of an inch with a huge chunk of fur missing behind his ear. I knew there was a nickel size knot behind my dogs ear, but I made a point to show this to the groomer who examined my dog and reassured me that it wouldn't be a problem. If it wasn't a problem, why does my dog have a bald patch behind his ear? Why would the groomer even THINK it was okay to shave my dog down to a 1/4 inch when I've been bringing him into Bubbles every 2-3 weeks to maintain his gorgeous long Bichon coat????
All of my hard work and money ($56 a month at Bubbles) to maintain my Bichon's coat has been destroyed because of a careless groomer who was overbooked that day and rushed to finish a quick shave job on my dog. The groomer (Yvonne) was so careless that she didn't even bother checking my grooming notes in my profile history at Bubbles. I know this because the manager explained that miscommunication to me today.
How did management respond to my reaction to a shaved Bichon? They provided me with a number of excuses for shaving my dog from 2 inches to a 1/4 inch and cutting a chunk out of my dog's fur behind his ear. When I explained that these sounded like excuses, the manager agreed. I wrote to Bubbles only to express my disappointment , not looking for a refund or any sort of compensation. It's a good thing that I didn't set my expectations very high because the only thing they gave me was a bunch of excuses.
If you want a groomer that doesn't listen to your requests, misleads you when examining your dog, and doesn't bother reading your grooming history in the computer, then Bubbles Pet Spa is your place to go.