Don't let 'em fool you. A good meal of BBQ is not JUST all about the secret sauce; or the wood; or the hundreds of other tricks to the trade -- It's ALSO about the SIDES. I mean - we live in Texas, people. You can't turn a corner without finding a good BBQ joint. Bad ones aren't gonna be around long, so you can tell - if the building has some age to it, if there's a couple of ""real"" pickup trucks in the parking lot, if the neon (inside) needs dusting - it's gonna be decent BBQ. But Atkins aside, one doesn't just live on a hunk of meat alone. I want sides. And Bubba?s has got ?em. Delicious potato salad, home-style green beans, deviled eggs, pintos, turnip greens, coleslaw and this was just one trip. It seems the veggie choice changes each time I?m there. I?ve not had one that I didn?t love. This heaven is in addition to the best BBQ eva! The meat falls off the ribs, the brisket is moist and flavorful, the links are delish. No, I didn?t eat it all in one trip. This place is worth repeating over and over again. And don?t forget about desert ? you won?t have room for it but get it to go; it?s cobbler - usually peach or blackberry. I used to stop there every time I came to Dallas from Houston. Now that I no longer live in Houston, I will be driving to Ennis for BBQ.
Pros: Great veggie choices & desserts. Friendly staff. Comfortable seating.
Cons: I want BUBBA's in my neighborhood!