I didn't even want to give this company the ""one"" star that i gave it. No one that works for this company has any idea of what they are doing much less deal with clients. But i guess thats what happens when you hire family and not someone who knows exactly what they are doing. schedule mess ups are common with this company ...here's an example... you could need a guard for your site at a certain time,but he/she wont be there..why you ask?...because this company's office staff would rather sit and drink coffey then work on a schedule and get it right. so two people showing up on a ""post"" when it's only scheduled to have one is common. guards often have filthy uniforms,filthy shoes, un-kept apearance, and it's not only the guards, its also the staff...(the owner is often seen with shirt un-tucked and hair un-kept.) but then that's part of what you would expect from a company that sometimes wont pay or respect their employees. i guess that's part of the reason this company has been sued and had its name changed five times.....And the academy...I dont know one person that has went through the course, and went on to ""top flight security"". the academy is just a way to fatten the pockets of b.s.i and its ""board of directors"" by taking money from w.i.a....if you are planning to go through the academy....Good luck...If you are planning to work for them...Again good luck....But only a FOOL would hire b.s.i security services....""Professionalism Is Our Objective""..I realy dont think so.\r